运动科学学院“卓越论坛”讲座信息(Dr. Kyle Jaquess)
讲座人:Dr.Kyle Jaquess
课程名称:ACAM Neuroscience Perspective on Human Performance and Health: Two Sides of theSame Coin
Acognitive neuroscience approach involving EEG Nero imaging I tracking andelectrocardiography to determine the cognitive load and attentional reserve ofhuman performance. Dr. Jaquess will discuss both past and current projectsregarding human performance and health.
Dr. Kyle Jaquess 简介:Dr. Jaquess is apost-doctoral research fellow at the War Related Illness and Injury StudyCenter (WRIISC) at the Veteran's Administration Medical Center in Washington,DC. He has broad interests in human cognitive-motor learning and performance,using psychophysiological and neuroimaging methods to investigate the neuralcorrelates and mechanisms underlying the effective learning and performance ofcognitive-motor skills. Currently, he is involved with several projects, bothat the WRIISC and at the University of Maryland, ranging from investigatingbasic neurocognitive functions to exploring methodologies to enhance/restorecognitive-motor performance. Personal projects focus on understanding theneurocognitive mechanisms of cognitive-motor learning under a neutraloscillatory framework.